Ngargogondo village is about 3 km from Borobudur Temple Menoreh background hills and backed by a pristine natural condition and has beautiful natural scenery breathtaking. Village Community Ngargogondo livelihood among others, agriculture is chili, corn, beans, cassava, ginger, and turmeric.
Monkey Tail Length
Believe it should not, or long-tailed macaque monkeys down the mountain every Friday afternoon, to prey on crop farmers in the area Borobudur. It usually occurs between the hours of 12:00 to 13:00. That attacked crops and fruits, among others in the village Ngargogondo, Majaksingi, Tuksongo, and Candirejo. Now primate animal habitat in the mountains of that population Menoreh mecapai thousands of birds. Sepetinya have an instinct that came down to find food on land residents every Friday afternoon, as quiet as most of the villagers were praying Friday.
Craft that has grown in the village until this sat Gargogondo include craft business Krombong chicken braid used as souvenirs for sale at the tourist site of Borobudur.
Mask Plate Ireng stands Tata kenceng rhythm rhythm straight line, which means hard. Mask Ireng born and developed on the slopes of Mount Merapi Merbabu and. Art is often used to occasion a celebration or welcome dance. A group of dancers and costume boots clattering like the Indians, feather hats, colorful fabrics play a dynamic dance.
This type of dance is a blend of dance and Kubro Dayakan Siswo. Art is considered a type of art that displays energetic movements and accompanied by loud music consisting of drum, bende, flute, and snapped or better known as the drum. Dances can be presented attractively displayed. Nuanced notes of religious songs, fused with the motion and the cries of the majority of teenage dancers who made this art show full of dynamism and religiousness.
Although this Ireng Mask traditional arts, but song lyrics are sung to contain some of the teachings of Islam Aatu pitched propaganda. Penontonpun by continuing to enjoy the appearance of this activity and not a few were sitting cross-legged on the grass under the trees on teduhnya around Borobudur.
Ireng Bleduk * The mask itself is a traditional art Ireng located on the slopes of mountains Menoreh Kuncen headquartered in Hamlet, Village Ngargogondo, which is south of Borobudur temple, may be referred to as one of the pioneers of dance mask Ireng at Borobudur.
With typical dance without leaving ketradisionalan and based on the ancient Javanese martial movement, continue to exist and maintain the cultural heritage of Java. Bleduk * Ireng alone has more than 150 personnel, comprised of children to adults, and the mask has become a container Ireng teens latent talents in art and dance so add creativity of the youth in the area Borobudur